Fare Free London has acquired three new supporting groups: Lambeth UNISON, Haringey UNISON branch and Leytonstone’s News from Nowhere Club.
Yesterday (19th November), the Lambeth branch of UNISON, the public services union, agreed at its branch committee meeting yesterday to back the Fare Free London campaign, and affiliate to us.
Last month, Haringey UNISON also voted at its branch meeting to back Fare Free London. The resolution stated “Public transport is a social and ecological good, which should be publicly subsidised.”
The News from Nowhere Club is a monthly series of talks which “challenges the commercialisation, isolation and privatisation of modern life.” We spoke at their October meeting.
We are grateful for the support and encourage other union branches to support us, using the model motion or the other resources on our Get Involved page. As always, if anyone wants to get more involved, please email us on info@farefreelondon.org.
20th November 2024.