Who We Are

We are a campaign for free public transport in London. Our organisation brings together community groups, trade unions, environmentalists and others who see free public transport as central to our vision of the London in which we want to live.

What We Stand For

Opens the City To All

It is provided as a public service, just like health, education and public parks, and is supported by public investment. It is central to a vision of London as a city where people, their health and the lives they live, come first.

Socially Just

Free public transport is socially just, supporting the lowest-income families that are least likely to have a car. It is better transport, underpinned by substantial investment, with a secure, properly-rewarded workforce. It is one of the drastic, demonstrative actions needed to tackle climate change globally and air pollution locally.

Model exists in 100+ cities globally

Public transport is already free in many smaller cities, including Luxemburg, Tallinn (Estonia), Montpellier and Dunkerque (France) and Albuquerque and Kansas City (USA). London can be the first big global city to follow their example.

We call on the Mayor and the Greater London Authority (GLA) to provide free public transport in London. The first step is to research ways to implement it. We call on national government to support free public transport in London, and around the country. The local government finance rules need to be changed, so that local authorities can raise money for it.

an image of an empty underground train. The seats are blue